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    Copyright & Disclaimer

    Azure Naval Architects BV

    Copyright & disclaimer


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    Azure Naval Architects BV takes great care in compiling the contents of these internet pages and makes sure that they are updated on a regular basis. They are nevertheless only meant to provide non-binding general information and cannot replace detailed individual advice to help the prospective buyer make his decision. The technical features and equipment of the yachts described are only examples. Such features and equipment’s can vary and they are subject to alterations at any time. You will get binding up-to-date specifications on the features, equipment’s or characteristics exclusively from contacting us directly.

    Azure Naval Architects BV does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up-to-date, accurate and complete, or that they can be accessed without disturbance at any time.

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    Azure Naval Architects BV has set up this site in order to provide general information about the company. We try to keep this information up-to-date and correct. Suggestions for improvements are welcome by email: info@azure-na.com

    Azure Naval Architects BV accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the information supplied on this site.
